Finalist presentations for University Librarian

A picture of the UNCSA Library sign Please join the search committee for presentations from finalists for the position of University Librarian throughout the month of February. Faculty, staff and students are invited.

Please note that it is critical to maintain the confidentiality of the candidates in this search. Once you know the finalists' identities, do not reach out to colleagues or acquaintances to inquire or share information about them. If you know of anyone whose opinion will contribute substantially to this effort, feel free to forward that name directly to Kait Dorsky.

Presentation schedule

  • Wednesday, Feb. 12: 10-11a.m., Library 4th floor, north end
  • Monday, Feb. 17: 11 a.m.-noon, Library 4th floor, north end
  • Thursday, Feb. 20: 11 a.m.-noon, SAAB 306
  • Monday, Feb. 24: 11 a.m.-noon, SAAB 306
We will share a QR code and link to a feedback survey at the end of each presentation; results will be aggregated and presented anonymously to the search committee and hiring manager.

About the search

The University Librarian search, which started last spring, was retooled and relaunched this past fall with a national reach and an expanded search committee. The goal was to conduct the search with the inclusion of as many viewpoints as possible because of the Library’s intersections in all corners of our campus as well as into the community.
The search committee hopes to have a new University Librarian in place by July 1 at the latest.
The University Librarian Search Committee is co-chaired by School of Filmmaking Chair of Producing Darren Miller and University Archivist Kait Dorsky. Committee members are Andrew Britt, history and digital humanities faculty, Division of Liberal Arts; Melissa Carroll, Library business specialist; Laurel Donley, vice provost of Student Affairs; Carl Forsman, acting and directing faculty, School of Drama; and Alexa Torchynowycz, metadata librarian.
We appreciate your participation in this important process, and we look forward to seeing you at the presentations!

Contact: Kait Dorsky

Feb. 3, 2025