Awareness & Education

Safe at UNCSA

Awareness & Education

Campuswide education about sexual misconduct and harassment is an important part of prevention.

UNCSA is committed to implementing best practice protocols and procedures that protect students and the community from sexual violence. One step towards this goal is to foster a campus community that is well-educated on sexual misconduct prevention, awareness, and support resources, as well as help the community to better understand Title IX, a federal law that protects people from discrimination and harassment based on sex.

Education Partners

Required Education

The Office of the Provost, Title IX Office and the Division of Student Affairs provide ongoing educational programming and training opportunities throughout the year.

Student Required Education

New Students

New students have mandatory Safe-U training that includes a presentation from the Title IX office. They must also complete multiple online modules that go over sexual assault, sexual harassment, bystander intervention, healthy relationships and consent.

All Students

All students are required to complete mandatory annual training that will build upon the first-year training. Training is customized for the high school and college levels.

Parents or Guardians

Parents or Guardians are offered two online information sessions annually during the summer that provide an overview of training and materials presented to students.

Faculty Required Education

New Faculty

New faculty are required to complete Title IX training which includes information on the improper relations regulation; Title IX regulations; the prohibited harassment, discrimination, and related misconduct regulation; and which explains and reiterates the mandatory reporting requirement.

All Faculty

All faculty are required to complete annual mandatory training including one in-person session, one virtual session and assigned online asynchronous training. Additional follow up training will be offered throughout the year.

Staff Required Education

All Staff

All staff are required to complete annual mandatory training including one in-person session, one virtual session and assigned online asynchronous training. Additional follow up training will be offered throughout the year.

Residence Life staff & Student Residence Assistants

Residence Life staff and student residence assistants receive annual training from the Title IX office at the beginning of the semester.

Title IX Hearing Board Members Required Education

All Board Members

Title IX Hearing Board members are required to complete online training through the SUNY (State University New York) Student Conduct Institute.

UNCSA campus

Safe at UNCSA

Ensuring the safety of our community and providing support is a priority for UNCSA.