Complimentary Ticket Regulation 107

Regulation 107 Approved: November 10, 2017
Complimentary Ticket Regulation
Regulation 107
Source of Authority: N.C.G.S. § 116-34(a);
UNC Code § 502(A)
Revision Authority: Chancellor

First Issued: February 17, 2011

Last Revised: August 6, 2024

Related Policies: Emeritus Status Policy 110;
Facilities Use Policy 402
Responsible Offices: Strategic Communications Division
Effective Date: August 6, 2024

I. Purpose

The purpose of this regulation is to establish the distribution of complimentary tickets for UNCSA student productions, UNCSA sponsored events, and other events at UNCSA venues.

II. Scope

This regulation applies to all UNCSA students, faculty, and staff with respect to all UNCSA student productions, UNCSA sponsored events, and other events at UNCSA venues.

III. Definitions

IV. Regulation

A. Ticket Availability. Complimentary tickets for students, faculty, and staff will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis unless the Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications elects a different mode of distribution.

B. UNCSA Student Productions

1. UNCSA students may receive one complimentary ticket to any single performance or run of a production. This ticket is intended for personal use and is non-transferrable.

2. All UNCSA faculty and staff may receive two tickets to any single performance or run of a production. These tickets are intended for use by the individual faculty/ staff member and his/her guest and are non-transferrable.

3. The cast and crew of a production may receive two tickets to any single performance or run of a production.

C. "The Nutcracker" & Other All-School Productions

1. UNCSA students, faculty and staff may attend "The Nutcracker" and other all-school performances on Campus Night and selected other performances to be determined by the Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications.

2. UNCSA Students may receive one complimentary ticket to Campus Night and selected other performances. Any tickets obtained are intended for personal use and are non-transferrable unless otherwise delineated specifically by Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications.

3. Faculty and Staff may receive two tickets to Campus Night and selected other performances. Any tickets obtained are intended for personal use and are non-transferrable unless otherwise delineated specifically by Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications.

D. UNCSA-Sponsored Events

1. Complimentary tickets will be available Day-of-Show on a space available basis for UNCSA venues only.

2. Space permitting, UNCSA students may receive one complimentary ticket to any single performance or run of a production of a UNCSA-sponsored event.

3. Space permitting, UNCSA faculty and staff may receive two tickets to any single performance or run of a production of a UNCSA-sponsored event.

4. The Stevens Center Box Office will make its best effort to notify the campus community of complimentary ticket availability for a UNCSA-sponsored event via email to the campus community or campus announcement.

E. All Other Events at UNCSA Venues. Events taking place at UNCSA venues that are not UNCSA sponsored events or UNCSA student productions are subject to the complimentary ticket policy of the organization holding the event.

F. Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications' Responsibilities

1. The Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications shall determine the classification of an event or production if there is a discrepancy regarding such.

2. The Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications may modify the means through which complimentary tickets are distributed.

3. The Vice Chancellor of Strategic Communications will determine the number of complimentary tickets available to UNCSA students, faculty and staff in advance of any event, and may make additional complimentary tickets available to UNCSA students, faculty, and staff for specific productions or performances at his/her discretion.

4. The Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, the Executive Vice Chancellor & Provost or the Vice Chancellor For Advancement may also make allocations of comp tickets based upon availability.

V. Revision History

A. February 17, 2011 – Adopted by Board of Trustees as part of UNCSA Policy Manual

B. November 10, 2017 - Revisions made to Box Office hours within the procedures section of the regulation.

C. August 6, 2024 - Revisions made to Box Office hours within the procedures section of the regulation.


Complimentary Ticket Procedures

Procedure #107

I. Ticket Distribution & Pick-Up

A. Tickets are available the Stevens Center Box Office Monday through Friday, from 12 p.m.- 5 p.m.

B. Tickets are available at individual venue locations 60 minutes prior to show time.

C. Comp Tickets may be requested by phone, in-person during the assigned working hours above or by using the online system.