Natalie Parker

Natalie Parker serves as Assistant Director of Data and Operations. She oversees the crosswalk of data from Slate, our customer relationship management system, to the campus-wide Banner system. Parker is also serving as the designated school official (DSO) for our international students.

When Natalie’s not on campus, she can be seen across the region, on various stages and in concert halls as an accomplished Cellist.

Where can we meet you?

You will most likely find me at college fairs sponsored by music festivals and music educator conferences across the U.S. Locally, you may also find me playing cello at church services, regional symphony concerts and weddings!

What's your favorite spot on the UNCSA campus?

The fourth floor of the Library, thumbing through the music scores, or in Watson Hall listening to a concert.

How about Winston-Salem?

I have to choose? I love all of Winston-Salem! However, aperture, an independent cinema house on Fourth Street, is one of my commonly forgotten favorite places to spend an evening.

If you were on a deserted island and could only bring 3 things, what would you bring?

I would most definitely bring my cello (or perhaps a carbon fiber one that wouldn’t melt in the island sun), probably my favorite edition of the Bach Cello Suites, and some sort of digital reading device with access to all the books I’ve always wanted to read, but never had the time to!


M.M.University of Oregon

B.M.UNC School of the Arts

High School DiplomaUNC School of the Arts