
A young woman living with her boyfriend struggles to make ends meet. Although he is an addict, she cannot seem to let him go, leaving her to pay the bills and fend for herself. So, when her boss shorts her paycheck, she decides to take matters into her own hands.


Directed by Jeff Yabrow, written by Hayley Vinson, produced by Elliott Emfinger and Epiphany James, cinematography by Andrew Airmanesh, edited by Roxana Lynne, sound designed by John Rissi with production designer Kendra Archer and music by Alex Umfleet

UNCSA student films are created in the course of the students’ filmmaking studies. UNCSA encourages creativity and experimentation in filmmaking, but the ideas and opinions in the films are solely those of the student filmmakers. The films are not rated by the Motion Picture Association and may contain content that is not appropriate for younger viewers, and may be objectional to some viewers.