The UNCSA Police Department has joined the Special Olympics North Carolina Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) community!
The LETR for Special Olympics is the largest year-round public awareness and grass-roots
fundraising campaign for Special Olympics. Known as Guardians of the Flame, law enforcement
members and Special Olympics athletes carry the Flame of Hope into the Opening Ceremony
of local competitions, and into Special Olympics State, National, Regional and World
The UNCSA Police Department is launching its Raise the Torch fundraising campaign
to raise funds for Special Olypics athletes across North Carolina. The campaign will
run from March until the end of May, when officers and other personnel from North Carolina law enforcement agencies will carry
the torch in their home counties and across the state during a relay style race. There
are ways you can participate in the relay too!
Campaign Flyer
*When donating, please make sure you donate to the "UNC School of the Arts Police
Department" page, or specify the organization on the main donation page. If you donate
$20 or more, please
email Sergeant Isaiah D. Benfield for your T-shirt.
Regional relay race
The regional Torch Run will be in Winston-Salem on Friday, May 17, 2024. The relay is 1.5 miles and runs through downtown starting at the Winston-Salem
Police Department (725 N. Cherry Street). The run starts at noon and will last about
an hour. There will be food trucks and vendors at the end of the run. Registration
forms will be available closer to the run date.
The only rule is that you must wear a 2024 North Carolina Law Enforcement Torch Run
T-shirt to participate. These shirts are $20 and can be purchased directly from Sgt.
Benfield, or recieved by donating $20 or more to the campaign (see above).
Dunkin' Donuts event
On Thursday, May 16, 2024, there will be a fundraising event for the North Carolina Law Enforcement Torch
Run at the Dunkin' Donuts on Hawthorne Road from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be officers
and volunteers with the Special Olympics there to help raise awareness for North Carolina
Special Olympics. You will also have the opportunity to purchase a sticker to cover
the UNCSA Police car!