Student Affairs Climate Survey: Let your voice be heard!
The Division of Student Affairs seeking student input through a brief survey aimed at enhancing student life at UNCSA.
Your feedback is crucial in shaping our services and the overall student experience!
Key Points of the Survey
- Students: This survey is open to all current UNCSA students (High School, Undergraduate and Graduate)
- Content: The survey comprises 4-point Likert scale questions, focusing on various aspects of student life.
- Time Commitment: It takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
- Incentive: By participating, you stand a chance to win $50 in Pickle Dollars. Complete the survey by May 6 to enter the raffle!
- Deadline: The survey will be open until May 18th.
Your perspectives are instrumental in guiding improvements and ensuring our offerings
align with your needs and expectations.
For those interested in discussing the survey or seeking more information, Student
Affairs team members will be available at several tabling events across campus. Keep
an eye on your inbox for dates and locations.
Your contribution to this initiative is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to
hearing from you! Thank you for helping us make UNCSA a better place for all.