Harvaniya Krishnan is an actor, singer-songwriter and musician based in New Jersey/New York City. Originally born in Malaysia and moving to the states at a young age, her introduction to the arts began with a deep love for music which ultimately grew into a passion for storytelling. As a South Asian woman cultivating her artistry, Harvaniya is especially grateful for her time and the opportunities presented to her at UNCSA which have allowed her to integrate the varying aspects of her personal and artistic identity into the works she has been gifted to be a part of.
She is so excited to be receiving her B.F.A from such a wonderful institution that has nurtured and supported her over these past four years. Her most recent roles have included Adela in “The House of Bernarda Alba” by Federico García Lorca, young Lucy Barker in Sondheim’s “Sweeney Todd”, and Connie in “Dance Nation” by Clare Barron. She is most thrilled to be jumping into her final role at UNCSA, Olivia in Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night” or “What You Will”. Olivia was coincidentally the very first piece of text Harvaniya picked up as an actor, and the very role she auditioned with to get into UNCSA. She is incredibly grateful to be closing this chapter with how she started. Off stage you can catch Harvaniya baking cookies while singing Disney songs, frolicking through wineries with friends and religiously re-watching early 2000s rom coms at a severely unhealthy rate.