Space Allocation Committee
Space Allocation Committee
All UNCSA buildings, space and land – regardless of fund source or location – belong to the University as a whole. Space requests should support the overall educational mission of the University and unit.
The Space Allocation Committee has the responsibility to make all allocations of University spaces including on- and off-campus, leased and/or rental space. The Space Allocation Committee consists of:
- Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost,
- Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, and
- Chancellor’s Office Chief of Staff
Note: The University Architect will serve as staff support to the committee.
Request for Allocation of Space form
Space Allocation Process
Space allocation requests should only be submitted after all space reallocation options have been exhausted within the School or departmental unit. Each school/department unit’s strategic plan should identify future space needs. The process is:
- A requester completes the online request form.
- The form routes to their dean or department head for approval.
- The University Architect receives and records requests.
- The Space Allocation Committee reviews the request within 30 days. Its review will result in either an action or request more information.
During the Space Allocation Committee's review and, if needed, the committee will consult with and request evaluations from relevant University supporting units and staff, including, but not limited to, the Budget Office, Institutional Research, Registrar's Office, Campus Police (security and parking) and Learning Resources. After its review, the committee may make a decision regarding the request or·seek additional information from the requester and/or support staff.
The committee will make a final space assignment decision based upon a thorough review of the request in relation to the University's strategic priorities, including costs associated with using the space. It is expected that all requests will be have an initial response within 60 days for final space assignment.
UNC Systems space standards will be used, when appropriate, as the benchmark for assessing type and quantity of all space allocated. Activities of the Space Allocation Committee will be transparent. Meeting agendas, meeting minutes and the status of all requests will be available for review.
Priorities in guiding space decisions
The following priorities will guide space decisions:
- University Strategic Plan initiatives shall have a higher priority than other programs.
- Availability of safe and accessible teaching space to meet course offerings and curricular needs will be highest priority.
- Classrooms are assigned to and under the scheduling control of the Registrar's Office. Priority for room use will be determined by the Registrar's Office.
- Co-location of program-related activities should have a higher priority than co-location of nonprogram-related activities.
- Long-term storage (items not requiring regular access) will be stored at the Central Warehouse or at an off-campus location.
- Preference will be given to requests that demonstrate sharing of resources and/or equipment.