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Keep Me UNCSA Emergency Scholarship Fund

The Keep Me UNCSA Emergency Scholarship Fund was established to provide emergency financial assistance to support the cost of academic progress toward degree completion for UNCSA high school, undergraduate, or graduate students who experience unexpected need due to demonstrated financial circumstances or extraordinary hardship.

Who is eligible to apply for assistance?

University of North Carolina School of the Arts students who:

  • Are pursuing a high school diploma, an undergraduate or graduate degree at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts and
  • Have exhausted all other known, available financial assistance resources and cannot meet total need while utilizing those resources


What criteria will be considered for awarding the funds?

  • Unmet financial need due to financial circumstances or extraordinary hardship
  • Have had their case reviewed by the University’s financial aid office and it has been determined that there are no other financial options and the student still has unmet need.
  • Referral to the committee by the Financial Aid office with Gap Analysis.
  • Anticipated time to graduation

What expenses can be covered?

  • Tuition
  • Fees
  • Housing
  • Meals

Keep Me UNCSA Emergency Scholarship Fund awards will be made on a rolling basis as funds are available. All information about applicants is kept confidential by the selection committee. For questions or additional information, you may contact Jane Kamiab at or 3367701452.