Kenan Institute Forms & Applications

Kenan Institute Forms & Applications

Faculty Leadership Grants

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Faculty Enrichment Grants

Enrichment Grants offer UNCSA faculty an opportunity to augment student learning by subsidizing ticket and transportation costs to attend off-campus performances, exhibits and screenings.

Faculty members must make their request by email to the Kenan Institute for the Arts at at ast two weeks in advance of the event.  If your request is less than two weeks in advance, you will be responsible for purchasing tickets and transportation, and we will reimburse you within 2 – 3 weeks. 

Proposals must include:

  1. Details of the specific event, including cost of admissions and transportation

  2. Names of the students and faculty members(s) requesting tickets

  3. Rationale: Briefly describe how attending this event will support student learning outcomes in your classroom, studio or lab. How students will be asked to prepare for and respond to attending this event?

Following the event grant recipients must also submit a short creative or critical response from each ticket holder (students and faculty alike) to The best responses may be posted on UNCSA/Kenan Institute's social media pages and/or website.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • When are applications accepted?
    Applications are accepted throughout the year, on a first come, first serve basis.

  • What expenses does the grant cover?
    The Institute reimburses ticket or admission costs, as well as local or regional ground transportation. No lodging or meals will be covered.

  • Can I arrange transportation through UNCSA and have them bill the Kenan Institute?

  • How many times can I apply?
    Once. To ensure that as many faculty and students receive support, please limit your request to one event per academic year.

  • Do you require a match for this grant?
    No matching funds necessary.

  • Are there any other funding restrictions?
    Funds are capped annually, and awarded on a first come, first served basis.

  • When will I receive reimbursement?
    After completing the reimbursement process, it should take 2-3 weeks.

UNCSA/Internal Applications

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External/Career Pathways Applications

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