Indigenous Peoples' Day is October 10

Indigenous communities living in North Carolina in tribal dress for the Dix Park Inter-Tribal Pow Wow.For Indigenous Peoples' Day (Monday, Oct. 10), we would like to re-share the UNCSA Land Acknowledgement.
A land acknowledgement gives honor to and recognizes indigenous territories and indigenous people respective to the location(s) we currently work and live. A land acknowledgement serves as a reminder that the land you currently occupy has long been occupied by indigenous peoples who have a distinct linguistic, cultural and historical connection to the land.

UNCSA Land Acknowledgment

It is important for many of us, as settle-descended persons, to consider how the land we occupy continues to interrupt the cultural, linguistic, historical and political connections that indigenous peoples have to this land. We must continue to recognize how we have, wittingly and unwittingly, remained as actors in the colonization of what we regard as our original context of teaching and learning. UNCSA is on the ancestral land of the Tuleto, Sappony, Catawba and Keyauwee tribes.

Indigenous population at UNCSA

As of fall 2020, 0.8% of the student population identified as American Indian or Alaska Native (Institutional Research, 2022) and 0.004% of faculty and staff (Human Resources, 2022). These numbers likely do not fully represent those that might have some Indigenous heritage because they select more salient racial/ethnic categories. Because these numbers are small, it easy for these populations to feel isolated or unseen within our community.

Ways to celebrate

Listed are few links as ways to celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

  • Native American LibGuide - online collections from UNCSA Library & Learning Commons to help you learn about and honor indigenous cultures.
  • Native Land  - features an interactive map that shows the nations, languages, and treaties of Indigenous peoples around the word.
  • Ways to Celebrate - list of several activities posted by Smithsonian Magazine

Contact: Tasha M. Myers

Oct. 6, 2022

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