
Responsibilities and Duties of Trustees of The University of North Carolina School of the Arts (UNCSA)

Each member of the UNCSA Board of Trustees agrees to work continually for the betterment of UNCSA by following these principles:

  •  To serve the people of the state of North Carolina through stewardship of the public resources invested in UNCSA;
  • To act in good faith and in the best interests of UNCSA by performing his or her duties with honesty and diligence, and to dedicate the necessary time to do so effectively;
  •  To attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees and as many additional important performances, special events, and activities of UNCSA as possible;
  • To provide leadership and oversight for UNCSA’s strategic plan, its development and its consistency with UNC priorities in collaboration with the Chancellor and campus leadership, and to monitor UNCSA’s progress towards strategic goals;
  • To maintain the role of the Board of Trustees as a policy-making body, avoiding interference with personnel, management or administrative matters, through understanding and abiding by the principles of the Board of Trustees Manual and By-Laws, and all governing regulations of UNCSA and the UNC system;
  • To communicate through the Chair of the Board and Chancellor, understanding that they hold the primary responsibility to be the spokespersons for UNCSA;
  • To participate actively in the work of the Board of Trustees by voting his or her own convictions, while also cooperatively working with fellow Trustees, in the best interests of UNCSA;
  • To take pride in making annual financial contributions to UNCSA according to personal circumstances, and to encourage others to do so according to their means and opportunities;
  • To communicate with individuals, corporations, arts organizations, sponsors, and other potential financial contributors in order to assist UNCSA to obtain maximum external financial support for enrichment of its educational and artistic programs;
  • To advocate actively, persuasively and continually for the goals and priorities of the UNCSA before the NC General Assembly and all other constituencies in order to enhance the public image of UNCSA through positive and supportive means.