College Marching Band

Author: Jane Koelsch

I have been working with one middle school student at Paisley and she is doing really well learning clarinet! She just started a few weeks ago and seems very excited to be playing. Recently I asked her if she would consider taking band in high school or even after, in an effort to encourage her to keep playing. She responded by saying her goal is to play in the marching band for Winston-Salem State University. I told her she absolutely could if she wanted to, and that what she's learning now is the foundation (rhythm and notes) for what she would play later. This week I was at Paisley again and I asked the question to the group I was working with and she very confidently restated that goal. It's extremely exciting to see students passionate about what they're doing, and I'm very thankful I get to cheer them on every week.

June 18, 2020