"An Intervention" by Mike Bartlett
The next Keys to the Kingdom production is "An Intervention" by Mike Bartlett, directed by Vivian Farahani, produced by Jack Zubieta, and starring Abigail Garcia and Santiago Sepulveda.
Performance Details
- Feb. 17 at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
- Feb. 18 at 7 p.m.
- Workplace 626
- Runtime: 70 minutes
Content Warnings: Alchoholism, violence, mental illness, suicidal thoughts, profanity, discussions of war, depiction of attempted suicide.
About Keys to the Kingdom
Keys to the Kingdom is an essential piece of the Directing Program in the School of Drama. It is an entire season that is programmed, produced, directed, acted and often written or devised by senoir students. These stripped-down, low-budget productions serve to get students thinking more front-footed and self-generative in terms of their careers.
Contact: Chase Whitehurstns in new t
Feb. 9, 2024