Inspiring Flexibility

Author: Jonathan McClay

I have been visiting the same trumpet and low brass students at Paisley I.B. Middle School for several months and have gotten to know them as they have gotten to know me. I know the students have the same classes every day and every week and I remember how monotonous that was for me as a sixth and seventh grader. I know they quickly tire of the repetitive routines and processes that are so important as they learn their instruments in band class.

I decided to take a different approach as I work with this smaller group of students. I've been introducing them to new ways of playing their daily warmups and music that they don't have time for during normal class time. It is inspiring to see how open these students are to trying new things and how well they listen to me and then play back what they hear and see. This past week I substituted their normal interval flow study by teaching them a version of the ones I do every day by rote. I'm learning that to effectively work with students consistently over time depends on not only how much of myself I put in. The quality of the sessions and what they take away from them also depends on the content that I deliver. I am definitely learning more about myself and continually developing my pedagogical self in order to be the best artist and teacher I can be.

July 07, 2020