E-Z Arts

E-Z Arts

Let's make registration easy in E-Z Arts. From how to access E-Z Arts, to Division of Liberal Arts Courses being offered the upcoming semester to the Registrar's guide and tips on how to register online for you upcoming semester classes.

Student look at phone, computer and book

Accessing E-Z Arts

When it is time to register for classes, the E-Z Arts web portal is the place to go. On E-Z Arts you can find a full list of class offerings for the next semester and you can find out which credits you still need to fulfill.

How to Log into E-Z Arts

Pile of books

DLA courses

On this webpage, you can find a list of Division of Liberal Arts offerings for upcoming semester.

DLA Courses

Two people looking at a map

Registration Instructions

Check out this guide to registration from the Registrar's Office for E-Z Arts tips from preparing to register to step-by-step instructions.

Registration Instructions