Interdisciplinary Work in the Arts Committee Updates

Interdisciplinary Work in the Arts Committee Updates

Experience with the intersections of different art forms is a critical component in the development of artists for the industry of today and beyond. Opportunities to work on interdisciplinary projects that transcend traditional institutional boundaries will complement UNCSA students’ learning and prepare them for successful 21st-century careers.

Catalyzing Ideas and Possibilities

Explore new ways to expose students to interdisciplinary practices and career possibilities in the first year of studies. Reinforce and promote interdisciplinary work and projects as a focus annually for Intensive Arts and explore ways to expand opportunities across the campus. Promote and encourage student-generated interdisciplinary works and productions and align those efforts with program and degree requirements. 

Spring 2024

Coming in Fall 2024. 

Fall 2023

Spring 2023

  • Continued work on a School of Dance and School of Filmmaking partnership production of the Holiday Suite.


Creating Opportunities

Promote new interdisciplinary arts curricular opportunities within existing programs and reinforce existing capstone programs that bring students together across disciplines. Creating a new collaborative calendar that will provide time and opportunities for interdisciplinary arts work. Expand the role of the UNCSA Library as an interdisciplinary site for the campus. Create pathways to connect students from across disciplines who are pursuing interdisciplinary arts projects.

Spring 2024

The CSI Core Committee, composed of a representative from each of the seven program areas, met during the spring semester and worked together to recommend ways to implement the four components of CSI. The Collaborative Scheduling Initiative (CSI) is an ambitious university-wide initiative that will help create a more sustainable academic and performance schedule for our campus. 

This spring, action plans for implementing the following components were solidified, with a goal of implementation beginning in fall 2024.

  1. Intermission
    • Intermission will be on Wednesdays from 12:30-2:30 p.m.
    • There will be no required activities for faculty or students during that 2-hour period, outside of engagement in faculty standing committees. No office hours or faculty/student meetings should be scheduled during this time. Our entire community will be held to this standard.
  1. Collaborative Days  
    • There will be a total of 6 Collaborative Days per year.
    • Collaborative Days will be placed in the Academic Calendar according to EPC-endorsed guidelines at least a year in advance, to support meaningful planning.
    • An ad hoc committee of faculty, staff and students will allot the days for a variety of programming by various entities, including but not limited to: Arts Schools; Division of Liberal Arts/High School Academic Program; Collaborations between the previous groups; Provost Office; and Student Affairs.
  1. 10-hour workday within a 13.5-hour period (8 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.)
    • UNCSA will not schedule classes or required activities outside of the 10-hour workday threshold.
    • Exceptions should be granted only for performances and the immediately preceding tech period, as well as for film shoots.
    • We realize that this reduced schedule does not yet represent a sustainable model and should be addressed in ongoing CSI work.
  1. Common start/stop times
    • For the 2024-25 academic year, we are still working to identify a few times each week that work most naturally as a common start time for interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary courses, with the most alignment already in place on the schedule.
    • In addition, program areas are examining potential interdisciplinary courses and will work to identify potential common times for those specific opportunities in future semesters.

Fall 2023

  • The Collaborative Scheduling Initiative core committee created a plan for six campus collaborative days, beginning in the fall of 2024.

Spring 2023

  • Scheduled “The Nutcracker” at the Steven Tanger Performing Arts Center, as its historic home, the Stevens Center in Winston-Salem, begins its long-anticipated renovation.
  • Scheduled the School of Dance performance of Stravinsky's ballet “The Firebird,” in partnership with the School of Music and the School of Design & Production. The program will also feature a newly created collaborative work with dance, film and music produced by alumnus Trey McIntyre.
  • Continued work toward the Seachange Fellowship program (2024-25 planned launch).
  • Continued discussion between the Library and the Thomas S. Kenan Institute for the Arts hosting interdisciplinary installations.


Campus Workload Balance

Engage the campus in creating a new collaborative calendar that creates alignment for work across campus units as well as space for wellness and reflection. Evolve the annual performance calendar to meet current and future programmatic needs and provide better balance for production work.

Spring 2024

The CSI Core Committee, composed of a representative from each of the seven program areas, met during the spring semester and worked together to recommend ways to implement the four components of CSI. The Collaborative Scheduling Initiative (CSI) is an ambitious university-wide initiative that will help create a more sustainable academic and performance schedule for our campus. 

This spring, action plans for implementing the following components were solidified, with a goal of implementation beginning in fall 2024.

  1. Intermission
    • Intermission will be on Wednesdays from 12:30-2:30 p.m.
    • There will be no required activities for faculty or students during that 2-hour period, outside of engagement in faculty standing committees. No office hours or faculty/student meetings should be scheduled during this time. Our entire community will be held to this standard.
  1. Collaborative Days  
    • There will be a total of 6 Collaborative Days per year.
    • Collaborative Days will be placed in the Academic Calendar according to EPC-endorsed guidelines at least a year in advance, to support meaningful planning.
    • An ad hoc committee of faculty, staff and students will allot the days for a variety of programming by various entities, including but not limited to: Arts Schools; Division of Liberal Arts/High School Academic Program; Collaborations between the previous groups; Provost Office; and Student Affairs.
  1. 10-hour workday within a 13.5-hour period (8 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.)
    • UNCSA will not schedule classes or required activities outside of the 10-hour workday threshold.
    • Exceptions should be granted only for performances and the immediately preceding tech period, as well as for film shoots.
    • We realize that this reduced schedule does not yet represent a sustainable model and should be addressed in ongoing CSI work.
  1. Common start/stop times
    • For the 2024-25 academic year, we are still working to identify a few times each week that work most naturally as a common start time for interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary courses, with the most alignment already in place on the schedule.
    • In addition, program areas are examining potential interdisciplinary courses and will work to identify potential common times for those specific opportunities in future semesters.

Fall 2023

Spring 2023

  • TBD