Faculty Course Rosters

The purpose of Faculty Course Rosters is to document what qualifications a faculty member possesses that makes him/her qualified to teach a particular course. UNCSA follows SACS faculty credential guidelines.

Due Dates

  • Fall term – October 1
  • Spring term – February 1

Faculty teaching undergraduate courses should possess a doctorate or master’s degree in the teaching discipline; or master's degree with a concentration in the teaching discipline (minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline); or an equivalent combination of education, teaching experience and professional experience.

Faculty teaching graduate and post-baccalaureate courses should possess an earned doctorate/terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline; or an equivalent combination of education, teaching experience and professional experience.

Completing the Roster
When completing rosters, it is important to show the link between the course the instructor is teaching and their education or experience. What education/experience do they possess that qualifies them to teach a particular course? The Faculty Course Roster Instructions published by SACS provides helpful guidance in the type of information to include on the roster. You can also review the Faculty Course Roster Template Tutorial(Doc).

Note: Independent Studies courses should be listed on a separate form apart from regular courses. The same information is required as a regular course.

Faculty Course Roster Form


  1. Review the Faculty Course Roster Instructions and the Faculty Course Roster Template Tutorial for instructions on how to properly complete the Faculty Course Roster.
  2. The Office of the Dean completes the Faculty Course Roster.  Be sure to use the most recent template posted on the website.
  3. The Office of the Dean emails the Faculty Course Roster form to Faculty Affairs by the published due date.