Chapter V: College Life Residential & Community Policies

In addition to the Student Code of Conduct and College Housing Policies, all students enrolled at UNCSA must follow the UNCSA Residential and Community Policies. UNCSA encourages character formation and development by asking all students, as members of the University community, to uphold the highest standards of personal behavior and responsibility in all settings.

College Residential and Community Policies

A. Community Considerations:  Community policies assist students living in close proximity to other student artists.  While most of the policies apply primarily to public areas (hallways, lounges, stairwells, kitchens, etc.), students should realize that areas of personal space are interdependent and interwoven.  Thus, these rules also apply to individual rooms.  All students should remember that they are responsible for what occurs in their rooms and for items placed in their rooms.

B. Common AreasIt is expected that students will respect all campus facilities and clean up after themselves. If common areas are found to be in unacceptable conditions, a Residential Education team member may temporarily close the facility. Furnishings and equipment in common areas may not be moved from those areas. Students identified as responsible for any damages in the residential facilities will be charged accordingly.

C. Health and Safety Checks:  The Residential Education Staff conducts a visual inspection of each room on a consistent basis, students will be notified 24hours before inspections are conducted. Should a student fail inspection, the student will be given 24 hours to correct all unsatisfactory conditions.

Note: Violations of the College housing policies will be reported to the housing office.

Note: Violations of the Student Code of Conduct will be reported to student conduct.

D. Sidewalk Chalk and Spray Paint: During the course of the year, there may be times when students want to us sidewalk chalk for their artwork or to promote an activity. Sidewalk chalk must only be used on sidewalks or permitted chalk boards on campus. As well, in order not to damage the facilities, spray paint should only be used on the grass. This will keep the paint from permanently defacing the sidewalks, stairwells and other structures. 

E. Smoking Policy:  Generally summarized, this policy prohibits smoking in any campus building or university-owned vehicle. Also, one may not smoke within 50 feet of any building entrance or HVAC intake vent. (Smoking Regulation – #703)

F. Quiet Hours: Any noise reaching beyond the limits of one’s individual room may disturb others and consequently may be addressed through the Student Conduct process.  Quiet Hours are as follows: Weekdays (Sunday-Thursday): 10 p.m.-10 a.m.; weekends (Friday and Saturday):  midnight-10 a.m. Art practice (i.e., playing music, vocalizing, dancing, juggling etc.) is prohibited before noon and after 8 p.m. in any residential area, including all public areas, lounges and surrounding areas of the residence halls or apartments.  Note: Residence Hall E’s third floor is the “extended quiet hours hall” with quiet hours 24 hours a day (except for art practice from noon-8 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays). Periodically, school-sanctioned activities (indoor or outdoor) may receive exemption from the quiet hour guidelines with the approval of Student Engagement and Residential Education. 

G. Courtesy Hours: During hours not covered by the Quiet Hour policy above, stereos, radios, TVs, musical instruments, and all conversations should be kept to levels that will not interfere with the study or sleep of other residents. Students should first bring noise problems to the attention of the offender. If the problem persists, the students should contact a member of the Residential Education staff.

H. Overnight Visitation Policy: Residents may allow guests to stay overnight in their rooms. However, residents may not host guests more than three consecutive nights, and no more than six nights in a calendar month. All roommates must agree to have overnight guests. The guest must be with the student host at all times. The student host is fully responsible for their visitor’s actions. Minors are not permitted to visit overnight.

I. Visitor Policy: Visitors are welcome in public areas (performance spaces, dining hall, snack bar, bookstore, library, etc.) Visitors to the campus who are not attending a public event or who do not have specific business with a member of the School staff or faculty are subject to the following guidelines:

  1. General visitors to campus should go to the Welcome Center, UNCSA’s main reception area for visitors. On weekends and holidays, the visitor should go to the UNCSA Police Department;
  2. If the visitor is a guest of a high school student they must register at the High School Life Office located in the Connector Building. The visitor completes a UNCSA Visitor Registration Form, and the resident hosting the visitor must be present and sign the form. The visitor must retain a copy of the form during the visit.
  3. Visitors must comply with all policies and regulations applicable to residential students. The host student is responsible for the guest’s actions.

J. Residence Hall Closing Periods: Any student who has not vacated the halls within 24 hours of their last exam or by the designated closing date and time, whichever comes first, will have $25 billed to their account for a late check-out.  An additional $25 will be billed for every hour that the student remains in the building. 

For details on Residence Hall opening and closing times related to breaks and the end of school, please refer to the academic calendar found on the Registrar’s website.

Note: At the end of the school year, underclassmen must leave campus within 24 hours of their last exam. No underclassmen should remain on campus after 6 p.m. on the last official day of Spring semester. 

K. Storage for Non-Motorized Scooters/Bikes:  All non-motorized scooters, skateboards, longboards, and other forms of transportation are to be stored in the student’s assigned room. Bikes can be stored on bike racks outside of the buildings or in the student’s assigned room away from any emergency exit or stairwell.

L. Residential and Community Policies Infraction Notification Procedures:
The Residential and Community Policies infractions, outcomes, and notification procedures at UNCSA are designed in a manner that prioritizes student development and education. The emphasis upon student education and growth as the primary objectives of the Residential and Community Policies Agreement distinguishes this community-based procedure from the UNCSA Student Conduct process.

Note: Depending on the severity of the infraction, the student may be charged with a Minor or Major Infraction through the UNCSA Student Conduct Process. If this happens, please refer to the UNCSA Student Code of Conduct.

Residential and Community Policies Infractions:

  • Being in a High School residential area or other restricted area.
  • Using any item or product found under the smoking policy inside any campus facility
  • Being in another person’s room without permission from the resident, or absent the resident, permission from Residential Education staff.
  • Intentionally furnishing false information to a member of the faculty, staff, or a student acting in an official capacity either verbally or in writing, including falsification by omission of information.
  • Failing to comply with orders or directives of school officials, UNCSA Campus Police, or any other law enforcement officers (may constitute a minor or major infraction at the discretion of the Director for Student Conduct). 
  • Hosting a guest/visitor who violates UNCSA’s Student Code of Conduct or the Residential and Community Policies Agreement.
  • Violating the UNCSA computer policy, including distribution of mass emails to the campus.
  • Possessing a personal item that has been deemed a nuisance or safety hazard, about which a prior warning has already been issued.
  • Unauthorized use of another person’s One Card.
  • "Tailgating" into the Artist Village P.O.D. Market and/or other secured areas: Each student must use their One Card to enter individually.
  • Being present during the planning or commission of any Residential or Community Standard Infraction in such a way as to condone, support, or encourage that infraction.
  • Failing to comply with an active Residential and Community Standard outcome.
  • Failing to comply with quiet or courtesy hours.
  • Inappropriate display of affection.
  • Being locked out of residence hall room three or more times.
  • Failing to clean up common spaces after use.
  • Failing to comply with guest/visitation expectations.
  • Referral from Student Conduct for being in the presence of an infraction of the student code of conduct
  • Referral from Student Conduct for committing an infraction of the student code of conduct

Notification Procedure of a Residential and Community Policies Infraction
The Residential Education staff will issue the Residential and Community Standard Infraction at the time of, or as soon as possible after, the infraction. If any UNCSA faculty or staff observes a possible Residential and Community Policies Infraction, they should email an incident report listing factual information to the Director for Residential Education.

Note: Depending on the severity of the Residential and Community Policies Infraction, the student may be charged through the Student Conduct Process. If this happens, please refer to the Student Code of Conduct.

  1. A student who receives a Residential and Community Standard Infraction must schedule a meeting with a Residential Education staff member within 24 hours of receiving the infraction. The meeting should take place as soon as possible. During the meeting, the Residential Education staff member will have an educational conversation with the student and assign an appropriate outcome.
  2. The Residential and Community Standard Infraction will be filed in the student’s file. The Residential Education staff member will monitor the completion of any outcomes.
  3. The student who receives the infraction may want to also discuss their infraction with the Director for Residential Education. This request must be in writing and signed by the student (specifying why they would like to meet) and given to the Director for Residential Education.

Possible Outcomes for Residential and Community Standard Infractions
Residential and Community Standard Infractions remain on a student’s community record for the entire academic year. Three infractions within the same academic year become an automatic Minor Infraction as listed in the Student Code of Conduct. Possible outcomes for Residential and Community Standard infractions include, but are not limited to:

  • Loss of privileges
  • Work detail
  • Restitution of damages
  • Educational task: Activity related to the student’s actions, designed to increase the student’s understanding of, or appreciation for, the infraction which they committed. Examples of educational tasks are:
    • Completing campus or community service
    • Making written or verbal apologies
    • Completing reflection assignments, such as:
      • Reading a related article and writing a paper on the topic
      • Speaking with local police (or other resources) and then writing a reflection assignment (e.g., “This is what would have happened to me if I had been off campus.”)
      • Watching a video and writing a paper (e.g., “How Fast It Burned”)
      • Creating a survey for floor or hall, determining the effect of noise on the floor/hall community, and writing a report of the results
      • Making presentations at floor/area meetings
    • Creating bulletin boards
    • Preparing fliers, posters, top 10 lists (e.g., Top 10 things to use instead of candles)
    • Making a 5-minute video that outlines the policy in question and makes it clear to the residents in an entertaining manner
    • Coordinating an “alcohol alternative” program, such as a dance
    • Working at the SPCA (for pet violations)
    • Entering into a behavioral contract
    • Volunteering at community agencies
    • Mediation
    • Case conference
    • Campus service hours such as:
      • Taking out the trash in the morning
      • Cleaning the residence hall, Connector common areas, or state vehicles
      • Cleaning the residence hall bathrooms
      • Sweeping the steps and sidewalks
      • Picking up trash outside
      • Cleaning signs around campus
      • Cleaning up in the dining hall or Pickle Jar area
      • Making ice bags
      • Planning appropriate programming
      • Working at a college or campus-wide event

Campus service hours will be supervised and may occur early in the morning, before classes, and on the weekends.