Purchasing Forms for Employees

The following forms are to be used by employees of UNCSA. The Vendor Registration Form is an online-only form. Please send vendors a link to the form on the UNCSA website. The following forms are in PDF format, unless noted otherwise.

Purchasing Documents

Departmental Bid Form
Brand Specific Waiver
Sole Source Justification Waiver

P-Card Documents

P-Card Weekly Reconciliation Report Cover Sheet(opens in new tab)
P-Card Application and Agreement(opens in new tab) (online form)
P-Card Weekly Reconciliation Calendar
P-Card Change Form


Below are the links to the COI request forms and the replacement value template. Please note that one of our forms can be used for either vehicles or equipment.  When utilizing the form for equipment, you will need to send a replacement value template to the vendor for completion. Once the completed template is returned, you must complete the sections labeled “department” and “building” for each line item.  Send the COI request form, the quote, and completed replacement value template to the purchasing inbox.  The documentation is uploaded into Asset Panda and then forwarded to the North Carolina Department of Insurance (NCDOI) for processing and COI issuance.  Note:  The replacement value on the template and COI request form must match. 

Request for Certificate of Insurance - Facility Rental
Request for Certificate of Insurance - Vehicle/Equipment
Replacement Value Template-Equipment

Surplus / Fixed Asset Documents  

Inventory Action Form
Off-Campus Equipment Form