Canvas: Gradebook

Canvas: Gradebook

Posting Grades

Post grades for students to view

  1. Open the Gradebook.
  2. Select the vertical ellipsis beside the assignment name, and choose Post Grades. You can choose to post grades for specific sections or all sections. 
  3. Select Post. Students will now be able to view their grade along with any feedback or comments that you provided. 

Hiding Grades 

Hiding grades and feedback from students can be useful because it allows faculty to grade assignments (or quizzes) as they come in without the grades and feedback being visible to students. Once all assignments are graded, the grades and feedback can be posted for students to view. Hiding grades can be done at the course level or for individual assignments (or quizzes). 

Hiding grades at the course level

This sets hiding grades as the default for all assignments and quizzes.

  1. Select Grades in the course menu on the left.
  2. Select the Settings icon in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Select the Grade Posting Policy tab.
  4. Choose Manually Post Grades.
  5. Select Update Policy.

Hiding grades for an individual assignment 

  1. After creating an assignment (but before grading the assignment), select Grades in the course menu on the left.
  2. Select the vertical ellipsis beside the name of the assignment for which you would like to hide grades.
  3. Choose Grade Posting Policy.
  4. Choose Manually.
  5. Select Save.

Final Grade Override