Police Complaint Policy and Reporting Options

Police Complaint Policy and Reporting Options

It is the policy of the UNC School of the Arts Police and Public Safety Department to investigate all allegations and complaints of misconduct against any member of the department. Proper adherence to the provisions of this policy will clear the innocent and facilitate prompt and equitable corrective disciplinary action.

Complaints may be reported:

  • In person at the UNCSA University Police building located at 2010 Kenan Drive, Winston-Salem, NC, 27127
  • Telephone: 336-770-3321 (staffed 24 hours, seven days a week)
  • Email complaint to Deputy Chief of Administration Gregory Foreman foremang@uncsa.edu
  • Via electronic form

What happens following a filed compliant?

The department employee receiving the complaint will fill out the Department Complaint Report and promptly forward it to the Professional Standards Unit Deputy Chief of Administration or designee for determination of the complaint type and assignment for investigation.

Citizen complaints that allege criminal violations, corruption, excessive force, etc., are investigated by the Professional Standards Deputy Chief of Administration. Citizen complaints that involve non-criminal, routine disciplinary action, may be referred to the Shift Supervisor or division supervisor for investigation or processing.

A thorough investigative report will be completed and forwarded to the Chief of Police who will review the findings and make a final determination as to the action to be taken. Any disciplinary action taken against a member of the Department is confidential and will be kept confidential as required by state personnel law.

The Professional Standards Unit Deputy Chief of Administration, or designee, will notify the complainant of the disposition of the internal investigation. The Disposition of the Complaints are Classified as Follows:

  • Not involved - The employee was not present at the time the alleged misconduct occurred.
  • Unfounded - The incident did not occur or the employee investigated was not involved.
  • Not Sustained - There is insufficient evidence to either prove or disprove the allegation.
  • Exonerated - The incident occurred but was lawful and proper.
  • Sustained - The allegation is supported by sufficient evidence to indicate the allegation is true.