Parking on Campus

The University of North Carolina School of the Arts Department of Police and Public Safety (UNCSA DPPS) is responsible for enforcing all parking and traffic laws in accordance with the authority vested in it by the Board of Trustees under North Carolina General Statutes 116.44.4. 

Our jurisdiction covers all University owned and leased property including: buildings, parking lots, streets immediately adjoining public streets, and satellite locations. All drivers are expected to drive with extreme caution while on UNCSA owned or controlled property. UNCSA police officers do enforce traffic regulations. Please abide by the posted speed limits, honor all pedestrian crosswalks, and come to a full stop at all STOP signs. At all times obey police officer verbal commands and traffic direction.

How to register for a parking permit is a a one-sheet summary for how to register and manage your parking permit. Rules for displaying a decal:

  • All students, faculty, and staff who park on UNCSA property must display a valid parking decal or temporary permit, appropriately placed, on the vehicle being parked.  This includes Center Stage Apartments.
  • Decals shall be clearly visible and affixed to the exterior of the rear windshield on the passenger side of the vehicle.  Motorcycles shall place the decal on the rear fender. 
  • Any decal holders who are temporarily driving a different vehicle are required to get a temporary parking permit (at no cost) from the UNCSA Department of Police and Public Safety.

Decals, replacement decals, and temporary permits are all issued by the UNCSA Department of Police and Public Safety.  All vehicles are required to have the legal minimum NC liability insurance coverage, even if the vehicle is registered in another state.

If you have any questions or concerns about parking, email

Special Needs

UNCSA Police make every effort to assist guests with special needs. This includes needed parking accommodations, vehicular escorts, or other special requests to assist in a unique circumstance. Please call 336-734-2955 with any requests.

Parking Maps

Interactive Parking Lot Map

Parking Decal Fees

Full academic year: August 1 through July 31.



Extra Decals/Replacements: $10

Full-time, Part-Time & Temporary Faculty/Staff

  • General: $9 month/$108 year
  • Premium: $15 month/$180 year

Extra Decals/Replacements: $20 each

Paid through payroll deduction only.

Summer School only

Summer students: $25

Summer Faculty/Staff: $25

Speed Limit, Drop-off and Loading Zones,

  • The speed limit on campus is 10 mph
  • There is NO PARKING on Chapel St.
  • There is no drop-off directly in front of Workplace. Drop-off must be at the sidewalk behind de Mille theatre.  This sidewalk leads to Workplace and will be maintained for pedestrians.
  • Loading zones near buildings should be used for the posted time and then your vehicle moved to allow others to access the space.

Parking Enforcement

Three tips to avoid enforcement actions:

  1. Plan ahead.
  2. Students should review the Student Parking Map before coming to campus to know where to park. There is no parking for students on Kenan Drive, D, E, G, or J lots. These were locations of a significant volume of student parking violations last year and the most number of tows.
  3. If you aren’t sure where to park, call 336-734-2955 for immediate assistance


UNCSA Police will enforce parking rules through citing violations, wheel locking vehicles and towing. Also, fees and other costs are charged by and paid directly to the towing company. If you are wheel locked for having no decal, you also will need to pay the full cost for a parking decal in order to park anywhere on campus or be subject to future citations, wheel locks, and possibly towing.

Funding for signage, capacity and lot maintenance

The Police & Public Safety Department has been replacing signage around campus to improve wording on the signs. Some work is still in progress. Work continues to improve signage, capacity, and maintain lots. Maintenance and improvements are funded by:

  • By law, state funds are not allowed to be used for maintaining parking lots. PERMIT FEES are the bulk of what funds the maintenance of parking lots and surfaces, NOT TICKETS, BOOTS OR TOWS.
  • By law, UNCSA keeps only 20% of a fine; 80% goes to the local board of education.
  • Parking fines and fees DO NOT pay for ANY police officer or dispatcher salary.