Expanding recruitment efforts to increase police force diversity
The UNCSA Police & Public Safety Department has established a recruitment committee to develop a recruitment plan, assessed on an annual basis for updates and improvements. This plan specifically identifies and documents as objectives:
- Targeted recruitment of minority groups.
- Increased retention of minority groups.
- Incorporating minority representation in the supervisory ranks.
To that end, recruitment actions for every vacancy posted include the following actions:
Diversity in Recruitment:
Posting to the following organizations:
- National Organization for Black Law Enforcement Officers ($300 per posting)
- NC Law Enforcement Women’s Association (Free)
- Winston Salem Hispanic League ($20 per posting)
- National Asian Peace Officers Association
- North Carolina Criminal Justice Standards Website
Diversity in Selection Processes:
During hiring and selection processes we strive to recruit participants from the UNCSA
community. For new hires at the entry level, campus partners are contacted by a UNCSA
Police and Public Safety Department Recruitment Coordinator. We work to ensure diversity
is represented in that hiring panel whether that diversity is from within the department
or from our campus partner. Regarding leadership positions, we utilize a consulting
firm to coordinate an assessment center which attempts to recruit diverse representatives
from across law enforcement leadership and members of the UNCSA community. Contact
information for campus partners is provided to the consultants to recruit. Participation
often depends on the flexibility of schedules of those in the community.
Results of Efforts as of January 20, 2022 from our Annual Analysis of Recruitment Plan document:
As reflected in Sworn Personnel:
- 10 % increase in African American males (2 hired within the last year).
- 15% decrease in African American Females (1 retired 11/30/21 and 1 resigned 12/31/21).
As reflected in All Department Personnel:
- 6 % increase in African American males (2 hired within the last year).
- 14% decrease in African American Females (1 retired 11/30/21, 1 resigned 12/31/21, and 1 resigned 7/31/21).
Applicant Pools:
Statistical breakdown of applicant pool of last positions we filled: Lieutenant
31 total applicants:
- Race breakdown: Hispanic 3.23%; Black 38.71%; White 54.84%; undisclosed 3.23 %.
- Gender breakdown: females (6.45%) male (87.09%); undisclosed (6.45%).
Previous year breakdown of applicant pool:
16 total applicants:
- Race breakdown: Black (43.75%); White (50%); and undisclosed (6.25%)
- Gender breakdown: females (12.5%); male (81.25%); and undisclosed (6.25%)
Most notable: We increased the number of applicants by nearly 100%.